On a suggestion from his followers that his ideas be recorded for permanence, the Swami set about dictating to his appointed scribes with the express aim of presenting a text that would spell out his principal doctrines in clear terms.

He toured the whole country preaching and teaching with an aim to ending feuds among scholars and narrowing down major differences among religions and their tenets. Having thus diagnosed the cause for India’s virtual collapse, the Rishi set about preparing to administer the antidote. It is only when brothers fight among themselves that an outsider poses as an arbiter.” “The causes of foreign rule in India are due to mutual feuds, differences in religion, want of purity in life, lack of education, practice of child marriages and forced marriages, licentious indulgence in carnal gratification, untruthfulness and other evil habits, the neglect of the study of the Vedas and other malpractices. Dilating on the causes of India being enslaved for centuries, he bemoans thus:

Purpose And Influence Behind The Satyarth PrakashĬonditions of human society prevalent in his time caused Dayananda to react with alarm. What was needed now, he felt, was a complement to this text on doctrines, a practical manual that could have provided Hindus concrete directions to guide them onwards in a life aimed at regeneration and to show them how to worship and pray.

This text embodied the sum-total of his message of reform that was meant to lead Hindus to a higher standard of life experience. In his Satyaarth Prakaash, he had described the historical, doctrinal and ethical aspects of Vedic Life. Toward this end, Rishi Dayananda wrote a text called the Sanskaar Vidhi which aimed at explaining the performance of Yajñas and Sanskaars. In an effort to lay bases to spiritually rehabilitate people worldwide, and energize them to reach out to the level of India’s Golden Age again, Rishi Dayananda sought to bring back into popular practice the Karmakaand traditions of Yajña and Sanskaar.

Rishi Dayananda Rejuvenates the Vedic Sanskaar Plan